
If you ask me why i like hiking to great heights , there is no concrete answer that i can give, On some days it is because i would love to be as far away from this world as possible

On some it might be just to treat my eyes with what the mountains have to offer

On some it is to test myself and my limits, to put myself under that kind of strain and then fill myself up with the pleasure of killing my way through it

And on some it is just to empty my mind and figure out who i really am and what purpose i carry …

Most of us lead a life following what examples have been set for us , chasing money and luxuries that only fill up some of our moments but not our lives .

I just cannot be that person , satisfaction for me is not earning shit loads of money or having a fancy watch , an expensive but futile phone , a swanky car and all those materialistic things .

I am not a pro hiker , i am not even that good at it but I am only trying to make a difference in the world by sharing my experiences here

I guess i just connect with these lyrics from “I Lived” by OneRepublic very diligently :

“Hope when the moment comes, You’ll say I, I did it all I, I did it all I owned every second that this world could give I saw so many places, the things that I did Yeah with every broken bone I swear I lived ! “
