
100M Leads by Alex Hormozi

lead is someone you can contact, this book focuses on how to turn leads into engaged leads (someone who shows interest) using lead magnets as core strategy to engage your leads

What Fired My useEffect?

While working with useEffect, developers often need to know exactly which dependency caused the hook to fire. This knowledge is crucial for debugging and optimization.

When to useCallback VS useMemo

useCallback and useMemo both optimize performance, albeit serving distinct purposes. Choosing between them hinges on if you want to memoize functions or compute values.

Jest Spy on an Exported Function

The spyOn utility in Jest is incredibly versatile, enabling you to monitor, track, and even replace the behavior of functions, applying this to a named export from a module can be a bit tricky.

Adding Disquss to Gatsby Blog

I wanted to add a discussion forum of sorts to this blog for some time now, found Disquss as the fast, smooth and simple choice that takes about 10 minutes to get it up on your Gatsby blog.

React.js : useState Lazy Initialization

React will only call the function when it needs the initial value (on component's initial render). So even if the function takes time, it will only be slow on the initial render.

TIL : Generator Functions

When we want to execute functions which can be interrupted or which can execute after a while once execution is started then we can use a new type of function called Generator Functions (ES6)

TIL : Git Worktree

I have come across multiple scenarios where sometimes I am building something and have to switch branches to fix a bug on priority and send it to production. Git worktree makes it 10x easier.

Deep Work by Cal Newport

Deep Work: “Activities performed in a state of distraction-free concentration that pushes your cognitive capabilities. These efforts create value, improve skills, and are hard to replicate.”

CTF at Wingify 2021

CTF 2021 at Wingify was an amazing experience and a great chance for learning. Competing with the whole engineering team with time running against us was exhilarating and we landed 5th.

Man's Search For Meaning by Viktor Frankl

The one thing you can’t take away from me is the way I choose to respond to everything. The last of one’s freedom is the attitude in any circumstance.

You're About To Make A Terrible Mistake by Oliver Sibony

The way to deal with our biases is to collaborate with people to detect these biases and use good process to act on the insights

Zero To One by Peter Thiel

In an indefinite world, money is more valuable than what can be done with it, only in a definite future is money a means to an end, not the end itself. Leanness is a methodology not a goal.

Principles by Ray Dalio

Think for yourself to decide, What you want, What is true, What you should do to achieve 1 in the light of 2. Shifting the perspective from “I know I’m right” to “how do i know I’m right”

Atomic Habits by James Clear

Whenever you experience something repeatedly your brain begins noticing the important stuff and sorts through the details and highlights relevant cues, and catalogs the info for future use.

Factfulness by Anna and Hans

Ten Reasons We're Wrong About the World — and Why Things Are Better Than You Think. Our cravings for drama leads us to believe into what news shows up without getting in depth facts.

TIL : ES modules in browser

With regular scripts you can use defer to prevent blocking and delay script execution until parsing. Module scripts use the same execution queue so they are always loaded as deferred.


If you ask me why i like hiking to great heights , there is no concrete answer that i can give. On some days it is because i would love to be as far away from this world as possible, on others...

The hippie village of Dharamkot

Going solo was one of the best decisions I have ever made and there is still much of the area around Mcelodganj that I have not explored yet, but I know I’ll be back pretty soon.

Parvati Valley

Parvati valley , usually known as the ‘Israel of India’, is situated alongside the banks of Parvati river and you can see a lot of people from Israel around here along with sign boards in Hebrew.


Coming down to the foothills of the Himalayas, Nainital is a vibrant hill station in the state of Uttrakhand and is known for its pear shaped lake surrounded by Naina and Aryapatha hills.

Manali - land of gods

Manali, popularly known as 'Land of Gods' is surrounded by towering mountains and rich greenery that mesmerizes my heart in the very first glance every time I come back here.

DgpLUG Summer Code Camp 2016

My experience at dgpLUG (Linux Users Group of Durgapur) . They are a team of developers and provide training in FOSS (irc channel #dgplug) to help people become upstream contributors.

Thailand - Land of smiles

This goes five years back when my family decided to plan a trip to Thailand. My uncle has lived in Bangkok for half his life and we got to explore it with him over the period of a month.